Medicare Open Enrollment
Meet Marilyn Deloach, our dedicated Medicare specialist for Hometown Pharmacy. Marilyn is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of Medicare to ensure you find the best fit for your medical needs. If you have any inquiries or need guidance regarding Medicare, feel free to reach out to Marilyn directly via email at mdeloach@helpmewithmedicare.org or give her a call at 205-410-1370. Sondra recommends reaching out to Marilyn for expert assistance. Additionally, we'd like to remind our patients to exercise caution when dealing with insurance agents, even those from your own company. Always prioritize your best interests and never hesitate to protect your personal information. Avoid confirming your identity by answering "yes" to unknown callers, as this could potentially lead to unauthorized changes in your policy. Your privacy and security are of utmost importance to us.